The Menus

Shows the Voyager About page. Hotkey Amiga-?
Cache List
Directs Voyager to a special internal page which displays the contents of the on disk cache. This has a special format; Age, Size, Type and URL are the resulting fields. Age is the cache elements age in days. The size is the size of the cache element in bytes, type indicates what form the file is whether text or image etc and finally URL is a link to the actual page to which the cache element belongs. Hotkey Amiga-C
Asks Voyager to Quit when it is next able. Hotkey Amiga-Q
Open New Window
Instructs Voyager to open a completely new Voyager task window. This will have all the hallmarks of the original Voyager window and is subject to MUI's settings by itself which means it can be directed to another screen as needs be. It will operate asynchronously to the spawning Voyager window. Hotkey Amiga-O
Open Local File
Results in a file requestor which expects a local HTML file to be chosen which Voyager will then display as normal. Hotkey Amiga-H
Show Current Document's Source
This option opens a new window with the raw HTML source code present inside. Again this is asynchronous and Voyager can carry on as normal. Hotkey Amiga-X
Save as HTML
Opens a file requestor to save our the current page in it's original HTML format. This can be viewed later with the Open Local File option. Hotkey Amiga-W
Save as ASCII Text
Opens a file requestor to save out the current page. The difference is that all HTML codes are removed from the document and only text which would be seen as normal by viewing the page in Voyager will be saved to a file. Hotkey Amiga-T
Activate other Voyagers
Here there will be an entry for every active Voyager window. By selecting any of them, this window will be made active and popped to the front. The current URL of each window is displayed along with the number of the Voyager window.
Open Bookmarks
Opens the Bookmarks GUI. See the page on Bookmarks. Hotkey Amiga-B
Goto Bookmarks
Directs V to a special internal page which lists all of Voyager's bookmarks in the main listview. The links can be clicked on to direct Voyager to those particular pages.
BookMark Custom
Here you can configure a selection of URLs to be present in this menu via the Bookmark function.
Opens the GUI options window for configuring GUI aspects of Voyager. See the GUI settings page. Hotkey Amiga-G
Opens the Network options window for configuring Networking aspects of Voyager. See the Networking settings page. Hotkey Amiga-H
Show Fastlinks
Toggles the Fastlink buttons at the bottom of Voyagers control panel. The Fastlinks buttons are custom configured in the GUI settings page.
Load HTML Images Directly
With this option on, Voyager will automatically load all the current in-line pictures in any pages loaded. With this option off, Voyager will not load the images and instead will wait for the Images button to be pressed. Hotkey Amiga-I
Autoview Images/Anims/Audio
Downloaded data can either be saved out, will occur if this option is turned off, or automatically piped to Multiview if this option is enabled. Hotkey Amiga-V
Ask for Downloads
If the Autoview Images/Anims/Audio option is disabled, this function has an effect of prompted a path every time data is to be saved out, otherwise it will be saved right away to the default download directory. Hotkey Amiga-D
User Access Authorisation
If this option is enabled, Voyager will send the username and password for every HTTP access. This is of use for secure sites where access to certain areas is restricted unless the user is known to the server. Hotkey Amiga-A
Set Authorisation Parameters
This fuction brings up a simple GUI allowing the username and password to be entered for the Access Authorisation function of Voyager. Hotkey Amiga-S
MUI Settings
Activates MUI's preferences program to work specifically on the Voyager window which activated the settings via this menu options.
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